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Consultancy - bespoke guidance


The Invisible Discriminator is present within any society, business, and individual. 

The key is learning how to see the invisible and then how to eliminate it.


We aim to identify those discriminating factors and barriers to success, for both individuals and your business. It all starts with a conversation. We actively listen to your pains and challenges and then propose a response to fit your needs and budget.


Projects we have previously delivered include:

  • Diverse recruitment

  • The employees' journey - an inclusive strategy

  • Marketing campaigns to 'hard to reach' groups

  • Cultural change campaigns

  • Athena SWAN application support 

  • REF/funding bodies inclusive environmental statement consultancy

  • Organise diverse keynote speakers

  • Create diversity events/celebrations 

  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion task force set up

  • Staff networks development

  • Campaign toolkits

  • One-to-one employee coaching

  • Policy development 

  • Inclusion audits

  • Retainers for equality, diversity, and inclusion advice and support.

Website designed by BARDO Inclusive Living

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