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Three Ways to Transform Inclusion with BARDO's Neuro-Inclusion Maturity Model


BARDO offers three powerful approaches to help you embed lasting inclusion:

1️⃣ The BARDO Neuro-Inclusion Maturity Model™ Foundation Level – A self-paced online programme packed with all the tools, training, and guidance you need to drive real change.

2️⃣ Hybrid Support – Work through the Maturity Model with additional bespoke consultancy tailored to your organisation’s needs.

3️⃣ Enterprise Level – Use the Maturity Model alongside custom-designed consultancy, training, coaching, and cultural change strategies. Assess and verify your progress with one of our BARDO associates and invest in the train the trainer's programme and license to cascade the model internally.

Whichever path you choose, BARDO equips you to create a truly inclusive, sustainable, and consciously inclusive organisation.

Alternatively, you can work with us independent of the maturity model, experiencing truly bespoke consultancy and training, or inclusive coaching. Or sign up to one of our BARDO Academy courses.

If you are a social learner, perhaps our Dinner with Strangers event might appeal to you.

Where conversations spark connection...

Website designed by BARDO Inclusive Living

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